Dear Mindi,
Happy 32nd Birthday. During this last weekend as you allowed Shawn & I to celebrate this birthday with you and your family, I thought a lot about you. I asked your father about you and he told me with his eyes, (you know how he does that, don't you?) how very excited he was about you, the day you were born. Whenever he speaks of you, he speaks of you with such love and joy. He is very proud of you, proud of all of your accomplishments.... You are a strong woman, much stronger then I was at your age. I think back when I first met you, you were so lost & lonely without Ara. As she was lost without you. And look what you accomplished! In the past 2 years, I have seen you grow into a beautiful, strong woman. Look at all you have done... you have taken your love for music and turned it into a career, you have taken the love you have for your daughter, Ara, and made her a strong, independent 3 year old, and you have taken the love you have for your family and grown & blossomed with it. So, Happy Birthday, keep up the good work. All my love, Ann