When your children grow up, move away from home and start their own lives, it is bittersweet. You know that you've done your job, hopefully, as my girls have and they become productive members of society, hold a job, pay their own bills, make their own decisions. It was difficult for me to allow Tara and Heather to make those decisions, and now I face letting go of my little girls, Jennifer and Erin. Erin will marry Brent Willis this weekend in Snowflake, and Jennifer has also informed me that she has found her eternal mate in a wonderful young man, known as Wes. I wish them the very best of life and love. I tell them as my own mother told me, "the choices you make as adults, you live with for a long, long time." I hope and pray that our Heavenly Father is guiding them in their choices. Good luck, Jennifer & Erin, may God bless you with joy and happiness. I love you both, more then you will ever know. Mom