Jennifer, what can I say? I carried you in my body, felt you grow, kick me and I was so thrilled the day you were born. You are so awesome, full of joy and sweetness, some sassiness thrown in there, along with a whole lot of girliness. You are a joy to our family and a blessing to Landon, Tristan, Jaxon & Avery. These babies,Auntie Jenny, love you and look up to you, please remember your life will influence them. Stay close to your Heavenly Father and make good choices for these sweet babies in our family. When I think of you as a little girl, I think of you naked with your toe hanging over the edge of the bathtub, looking over your shoulder at me, with your hair bow tucked tightly in your fingers, and your dark hair poking out all over your head. I see you singing, "Krinkle, Krinkle little Star" and "Unchained Melody", Erin and you twirling and dancing together. Jennifer, you have brought me so much joy, so much laughter and my wish for you is happiness and contentment in your life. I wish for you to have many, many little ones to call your own, a good man, who loves you as you should be loved and continued passion in everything you do. I love you Jennifer, thanks for the memories. Mom
10 years ago