10 years ago
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Jaxon don't like me!
So this last weekend, Tara & Heather were here with their families visiting, if you visit said blogs you will hear of the many activities during the weekend. Elmo was here visiting also, and babysat with me on Friday night. We watched Landon, Tristan & Avery for Tara & Will as they partied with their friends. No problem, right? I've babysat many a child over the years with no large problems. Three grandchildren... piece of cake. Quick bathes, kisses & to bed, all three of my sweet Trezise grandchildren are happy to have Nana Ann & Grampa Elmo tending to there needs. However, Sunday evening, my Heather & son in law, Preston seize the opportunity for Nana Ann to tend their sweet offspring, Jaxon....
Jaxon plays quietly most of the evening, eats macaroni & cheese, Grandma washes the dishes, straightens up the house, speaks to her Mom, and sister, Pat on the phone, updating them on all of the wedding plans going on.... yep... piece of cake. One two year old, one Grandma.... geez.... Heather forgot to inform me that her son does not like his clothes off.... thinking, as I should never do... that it would be nice to have Jaxon bathed & ready for bed for his parents. I decide to take his clothes off and get him bathed. WRONG~~~~~ Jaxon flips out, completely flips out.... He is screaming at me, "NO! NO! sock on, NO! NO! jeans on! Uncle Shawn flies out of the man cave thinking I am surely killing his nephew. I quickly put Jaxon's clothes back on, soggy diaper and all... as he screams and shouts at me. Shawn and I are perplexed by his sudden change in demeanor. He jumps off my lap, running to the front door crying for his mama & dada! Shawn & I make an educated decision to stand on the front porch with him. Wrong educated decision, now the neighbors think I a killing my grandson, also. We put in a quick phone call to Heather, but alas, she is not answering. After several minutes of listening to Jaxon, we decide to bring him back into the house. I put cartoons on the TV, Uncle Shawn sits down on the couch and.... TAAAA DAAAA! He goes to sleep. Thirty minutes later, my sweet grandson is awake, happily playing with his cars on the floor. Heather & Preston arrive home with a perfectly happy son. Next time I think I'll just say no...
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Ann Bob, I didn't know you had a blog until today when I was messing around on Amber's site and noticed "Aunt Ann" on her list of people she stalks. I love your site. Waaaaay cute. Congrats on the ring and impending wedding date! You deserve it!! Glad you are happy. I miss you. I miss talking to you. Love those neices and nephews you gave me oh so long ago. It has been fun checking on their blogs occasionally to see what life is handing them. I just wanted to say hi and that I really do think of you often. You will always be the sister that God never gave me! Love ya lots. Hope you're not mad that I checked in on you and your life. Love, DeAnn
Ha Ha! That was too funny. Moral of the story-Heather needs to leave Jaxon a little more often-maybe with Auntie Tara next time. He used to let me give him a bath when he was little, so maybe he will still tolerate it. We sure appreciate you and Elmo keeping our little minions for us.
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