A trip to Snowflake for Christmas this year was a great joy for all who attended. Landon, Tristan & Avery enjoyed quite a load from Santa Claus, while Grandma Ann, Mom, Dad & Auntie Jenny looked on. Tara prepared a wonderful dinner of turkey, mashed potatoes, Mom's sweet potatoes, corn, stuffing and a relish tray. Will added his touch to the dinner with prime rib and we must not forget Brent, who burned the rolls.... Erin & Brent showed up with more gifts for all... It was coooold.... in Snowflake... which made Auntie Jenny & Grandma grateful that they don't live there. New pajamas were given to all, although we all missed Uncle Preston, Auntie Heather & Baby J, Shane & Shawn.... they were never far from our thoughts.....
10 years ago
It was fun, but I am with you and missed the missing family members! Thanks for coming and enduring the cold!
We had fun, it was a blast!! Sad that everyone couldn't be there but it was still a good turnout!!
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