My dearest Elmo, Where has the last 35 years gone? Through my eyes, I still see you as a young man, 15 years old, with your whole life ahead of you, full of hopes and dreams. So, I dedicate this to you.
Ten things I love about you:
1. You are a patient man. In the years we have been dating, you have never lost patience with me, not once. Through all of our ups and downs, you have smiled and put things in perspective for me.
2. You love your family. Not only your children and grandchildren, but your Mother, your sister, her family, and all of your aunts and uncles. You loved your father very much and I know that you still miss him to this day. You are as much a part of their lives today as you were 20 years ago and you will continue to be there for each one of them for as long as you can.
3. You are a great cook. This is very important to me, because I am not. You take great pride in the joy you find in preparing a good meal. Whether it be a grilled salmon dinner, a simple salad, or a Thanksgiving feast, it is always prepared with love and finesse.
4. You are a jack of all trades. I've seen you tear down a car and put it back together, unplug a clogged toilet and be a mighty ant killer. Okay, so maybe you're not so good at killing small creatures, but I know that with time you will figure this out also!
5. You know how to relax and have fun! Whether it is a romantic cabin trip to Hawley lake with me, or a family camp out to Canyon Lake, you make it fun for everyone!
6. You a hard worker and a great boss. I have listened to you talk about your job. Even though I don't always understand what you are doing, I know the men who work for you, respect you for your knowledge and your desire to teach them the things that they don't know yet.
7. You have let my children and grandchildren learn to love you. You haven't tried to take the place of their father, but you have become their friend, advised them, and supported them, and showed them that you truly love their mother. You have given them the time they needed to make this transition as easily as they can.
8. You are a great ........, this one will be between the two of us, okay?
9. You love me unconditionally. With my 6 kids, 4 grandchildren, extended family, and all of our ups and downs, nothing ever frightens you or makes you think that you are in over your head with me. I think that in itself makes you the best, to take me on, to love me unconditionally in all my imperfectness.
And 10. Last but certainly not least, you look through life with rose colored glasses. This is a wonderful trait that you have, to always see life in a positive note, instead of the wondering what else can go wrong.
I love you Elmo B. Acosta, you have changed so little from the young 15 year old man I knew in England, you haven't gotten older, you have just gotten better. Ann
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