Just a short note to let everyone who keeps asking me, "Why haven't you been blogging?", in on the comings & goings at the Willoughby homestead. Almost 3 weeks ago, I got a phone call at work (never a good thing) from Shawn. Nan had fallen. For those of you who don't know, Nan & Pop are Dave's parents and live next door to us. After quickly clocking out of work, I drove up to our finest, Verde Valled Medical Center, in time for the ambulance to come into the bay. Now, I knew that Pop hadn't been feeling well for several monthes, but was quite concerned after witnessing him walking with me to the ambulance. His face was gray, he was unshaven and was having a lot of trouble breathing.... Unfortnately, several hours later we learned that Nan had broken her pelvis. As the next several days unfolded, I became more and more concerned about Pop's health. Thursday evening he became so short of breath, he was checked into the hospital also. By this time, Nan had been moved to Infinia to begin her rehabilitation. I spent that Friday afternoon at Infinia with Nan, worrying about Pop. She was insistant that Pop was going to come and get her (break her out) and that they both would be coming home that evening. And he did. She came home against her doctors orders and so did he. A good thing did come out of it, as I was able to get Pop to see the cardiologist I work for, Dr. Patel. He has had several visits, along with some cardiac testing done and now Dr. Ravi (our cardiac surgeon) will be cathing him as soon as his kidneys are functioning correctly. I tell you, seriously... the kudos go to Elmo, who came down the following weekend and got Pop to all of his appointments and also managed to get Nan into her primary care doctor and set up with some in home nursing. Along with trips to Walmart for essentials and medications. Erin has also been wonderful, she has been here for 2 weeks, waking up at 6 am, visiting again at noon, at 5 pm and before bedtime to make sure that Nan is dry and in good shape. Pop will take a trip to the AZ Heart Hospital in a week or so to have his procedure done and Elmo has volunteered to help with the trip down and back. I couldn't do it without these two! On a more postive note, Pop is looking much better, the swelling has gone down in his feet and Nan is now able to use the walker. I know once Pop gets his procedure done he will want to take over most of Nan's care. It will a long haul for her. I have to tell you a story, 2 nights ago, Erin and I went over to shower Nan. After we got her showered, dressed, brushed her teeth & hair, she spritzed on a little "fume".... we wheeled her back out into the living room. Pop was walking down the hall with us. I said to him... "Now, Pop, she's looking and smelling better, but that doesn't give you the right to go messing with her, keep you hands off of her!" I thought he was going to choke for a minute ... he started laughing and got all embarrased... Please keep them in your prayers they both have a ways to go to recover their health. Thanks.
10 years ago
1 comment:
We are all impressed with the care you are giving Nan and Pop. I wish we were there to help out. You are ALL in our prayers, and we miss you.
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