Happy Birthday to my Willie T! When Tara took Will as her eternal companion 6 years ago, she brought into this family, one awesome man. Anyone who knows William Russell Trezise knows what a grand addition to this family.
Ten things I love about Will:
1. Will loves my daughter with a devotion that takes most men years to attain. He works long hours and comes home every evening to help with the dishes and bathe the kids. He truly loves Tara and finds such joy in their marriage.
2. Will loves his children. Most men love their children, but Will absolutely adores his 3 children. He is such a good father, not only their father but their friend. He finds such joy in being their father and marvels at each of their accomplishments. He is a self taught father as Will's own father passed away when Will was quite young.
3. Will is a hard worker. Will manages the Snowflake Wells Fargo and has grown and matured from his responsibilities for his employees. He worries and frets about his employees, as though they were his children also.
4. Will loves to clean house. Okay, so I'm lying, but he is always there to help Tara sweep, vacuum, and clean bathrooms. I've never heard him complain about his chores, he just does what needs to be done, changing stinky diapers, taking out the garbage or wiping a snotty nose.
5. Will is an awesome brother to his many siblings. When he took Tara's hand in marriage, he also took on three younger sisters, and two younger brothers. He loves them all dearly, although I think he likes to antagonize Jennifer the most. He loves to take off with the twins and was caught early in his married life, allowing Shawn to back his car down Nan & Pops very steep driveway!
6. Will loves me and he truly cares for my well-being. He takes time out of his busy day just to call and give me some support and tell me that he loves me
7. Will loves sports. He loves to play baseball, basketball, volleyball, you name it... he loves to play it. He also loves to watch any kind of ball game on the tube. I can't tell you how many basketball games I've had to sit through on a Sunday afternoon. I would only do that for my Willy T.
8. Will loves to eat! I've never seen one man put so much chow down! He loves every kind of food but recently has had a taste for Lumpia. He has even talked Elmo into making a batch for him on Will's last visit.
9. Will is very spiritual, in his own way. ;) But, (and I'm with Will on this one) sometimes Sundays are made just for bumming and not churchin'. I'm sure Tara would disagree with me on this one.
10. Will has never met a person he doesn't like. He loves everyone, it matters not to him whether you are a bum or a prince, he will love you unconditionally and he will always be there for you, no matter what.
I could go on and on and on about my Willie T. He is super father, husband, son, friend, boss, you name it. The stars were shining, the moon was out and the sun rose on the day that Will was born, and the planets were aligned. We are truly a blessed family to have William Russell Trezise accompany us through this life.
I love you Will. Mom
Nice picture Mom!
But seriously, that was an awesome post! It made me cry. Will is one awesome person! Thank you for that wonderful tribute. We miss you terribly, but it is hard to be away for all these birthdays. We must take Elmo and Will out for a double birthday bash dinner when we are all together again. Have fun in Tuscon this weekend. Love you!
Hello Auntie Ann! You look great! It has been a long time since i have seen you, but it is fun to peak at your blog and see what you are up to.
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